Sunday, August 3, 2008

It's Okay to OD in BC

So I took a quick jaunt up to Vancouver Saturday night...

Sweet, holy motherfucking Christ.

In short, I didn't drink/smoke all that much (I drove up there and had to drive occasionally throughout the night), however everyone else around me sure did. The friend I was visiting was already half in the bag by the time I passed border patrol so he was utterly fucking useless as this was a strange city to me.

Nevertheless, I followed him around on a tour of complete mayhem that lasted well into the morning hours. Some highlights include; an Asian man in his mid-30's threatening to kick my ass if I didn't drop acid with him, three giggling girls who barely looked 18 following me around for the better part of an hour asking for my autograph (I couldn't even figure out what celebrity they were mistaking me for), a few different "clothes optional" after-parties, and me helping my friend's now-unconscious female roommate up the stairs and into her bedroom, and then immediately tripping and falling down the stairs myself (while actually more sober than anything).

All in all, an okay Saturday night.

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